This folder contains ACD SIR assemblers and SIR subroutines All use ACD style I/O (CHOP, CHOP etc) ADIP ASCII Address input 13/3/74. ADOP ASCII Address output 13/3/74. AMIP ASCII Amend input 13/3/74. BITCOUNT ASCII Fast Bit Counting 1/4/70. BTOP73 ASCII Binary Tape Output 21/12/73. CHIO ASCII Telecode Character Input & Output Subroutine, 31/3/70. (corrected to assemble ok with 1971 ACD SIR). CHIOL ASCII Telecode I/O and Legible Tape 22/5/72.. (corrected to assemble ok with 1971 ACD SIR). CHIOSIR1 ASCII Telecode I/O in 1-pass SIR 24/3/71, 1/4/71. IDIP ASCII Identifier input 8/3/74. INTIP ASCII Integer input 8/3/74. MISCMATH ASCII Guarded division, optimised sin & cos, fast sqrt. MULTILEV ASCII Multi-level single length maths functions. OPTIMATH ASCII Optimized sin and cosine 1/12/71. QDLA ASCII QDLA 15/12/69. QDMATH ASCII Double length fraction maths functions. QSMATH ASCII Single length maths functions 15/12/69. QSIO ASCII Single length fraction I/O 15/12/69. QF ASCII QF 17/6/71. QFIO ASCII QFINOUT 17/6/71. QFMATH ASCII QFMATH 17/6/71. SIR1P_VOL1, _VOL2 ASCII 1-PASS SIR 24/3/71: Source. SIR1P71 SCB 1-PASS SIR 24/3/71: Binary. SIR2P_VOL1, _VOL2 ASCII 2-PASS SIR 7/1/71: Source. SIR2P71 SCB 2-PASS SIR 7/1/71: Binary. SLOP ASCII Single length output 9/8/71. TIPTOP ASCII Teleprinter I/O 1/4/70.