This folder contains files relating to MASD ALGOL as distributed by Terry Froggatt. Terry made these by patching the Elliott 903 ALGOL tapes (Issue 6 for all but the Load and Go System, for which Issue 5 applies). His tapes for doing this are in the archive so it should be possible to reconstruct the derivation. ALG16KLG(MASD) SCB "903 ALGOL 16K LOAD-&-GO 1/1/74, Binary Mode 3" MASD ALG16KLP(MASD) SCB "903 ALGOL 16K LONG PROG 1/1/74, Binary Mode 3" MASD ALG2(MASD) SCB "903 ALGOL INTERPRETER 1/1/74, Binary Mode 3" MASD ALG3(MASD) SCB "903 ALGOL LIBRARY 1/1/74, Intermediate Mode 3" MASD ALG1(MASD) SCB "903 ALGOL TRANSLATOR 1/1/74, Binary Mode 3" MASD