ML/I Notes ========== This is an Elliott 905 port of ML/I by Harold Thimbleby taken from his archive of Elliott paper tapes. The original source is a MASIR program much of which wasm acrogenerated from the LOWL source. It also came with routines to enable to program be be run on a 905 under the RADOS operating system. (The source used here is dated the same as a similar file in Terry Froggatt's collection but upon inspection Thimbleby's version is a hand optimized version of the directly translated ML/I LOWL in Terry's files.) To make a standalone paper tape version I had to make some minor modifications to the original. 1) I wrote a minimal EXEC program which modified QCHIN and QCHOP to work as required with the ML/I system - additional handling for tab characters, parity errors / invalid characters as code -1, halt code as -2. 2) I set DISC=NO to cancel out the disc macros. 3) I added code in MDREAD to handle halt code. 4) I added a call to QCLOSE in MDQUIT to punch a halt code on the output tape. 5) Various other small changes to conditionally skip over code only required when reading data from disc. Note: a closing round bracket on a line by itself is treated as an end-of-file mark by Rados. This has been carried over to the paper tape version here. This standalone version runs on a 16K 905/920C. I have run this version against the ML/I test battery from Harold Thimbleby's tape collection which it passes ok. There is scope to tidy up the implementation: my aim was to do the least damage to the original source to get the program running again rather than produce a robust version of the system. The 900 telecode version of the edited MASIR source can be found in the SCRIPTS/MLI folder. A reconstruction of the tool chain developed by Thimbleby can be found in the LOWL folder. This includes the sources for the current version of ML/I at the time of writing (August 2015, version AJB), where the version in this folder dates from November 1976, version AIG. The differences are cosmetic. FILES ===== EXEC.900 ASCII paper tape I/O routines for ML/I. DOCUMENT.900 ASCII 905 ML/I notes by H. Thimbleby. MLI_EDIT.900 ASCII BOWDLER steering tape to edit ML/I MASIR source to work with EXEC from LOWL folder. THIMBLEBY_T4 ASCII 905 format file from H. Thimbleby collection containing MASIR source of ML/I. Andrew Herbert 2 August 2015