THIMBLEBY ========= This folder contains programs from Harold Thimbleby who used a 903 and 905 while a student at Queen Elizabeth College, London in the mid 1970s. (The 905 was at the Royal College of Art). The programs here are slightly tidied versions of the original tapes, which can be found in the HERBERT/ORIGINALS/THIMBLEBY folder. Minimal changes have been made to allow the programs to be compiled and run and a few significant bugs removed. ALGEBRA_LOWL ASCII ALGEBRA package in LOWL code. Version of 9/4/1973. 905_DISC_PATCHER.1 ASCII Disc patcher, dated 7/3/77. (MASIR). 905_DISC_PATCHER.2 ASCII Disc patcher, dated 28/3/77. (MASIR). CIO ASCII ML/1 disc routines. Identical to DISCROUT (see below) but with TEST flag set to YES. (MASIR) DISCROUT ASCII ML/1 disc routines - identical to copy in TJF archive. Identical to CIO above, but with TEST flag set NO. (MASIR) FETCH ASCII Program to decode 905 format paper tape files. (SIR) From TJF archive. FETCH SCB LOWL_TEST ASCII LOWL test suite? ML1_LOWL ASCII ML/1 LOWL recoded for Thimbleby's GPM. ML1_APPENDIX ASCII ML/1 Manual appendix for 903 ML/1 (from TJF archive). ML1_SOURCE ASCII ML/1 source (SIR) dated 3/11/1976. Appears to be hand optimized version of ML/1 source, dated 13/10/1976 in Froggat archive. ML1_TESTS ASCII ML/1 test suite. TGPM ASCII A version of Strachey's General Purpose Macrogenerator. (SIR) THIMBLEBY_T2` ASCII Modular 1 assembly code? for ELIZA ` parser?