This folder contains files relating to Terry Froggatt's (Hector Enterprises) Basic. These copies of Basic are only licensed to run on Andrew Herbert's Elliott 903. They are not included in the public archive. 920ABASIC SCB Basic system SCB for 920A only. BASIC8K: SCB Basic system SCB for 8K 920B machine. BASIC16K: SCB Basic system SCB for 16 K920B machine. EASTERD: ASCII Basic program source to compute date of Easter for a given year. EASTERDA ASCII EASTERD for use with 920ABASIC. GCDLOOP: ASCII Basic program source to compute great circle distances. GCDLOOPA: ASCII GCDLOOP for 920ABASIC. TICTACTOE.BASIC ASCII Erik Baiger's BASIC noughts and crosses. TVTOUR ASCII Computes distances for a world tour. 920ABASIC is a version of TJF's BASIC patched by Chris Moller for use on a 920A computer at Aldenham School. It is oriented towards batch running of programs punched on paper tape, whereas the original assumes interactive input. 920ABASIC requires that a program tape will be loaded imemdiately after the binary, and complete with LIST, RUN commands and data as required. PRINT output goes to the teleprinter. The KEY command is a no-op.