ROB WILLETTS TAPES ================== Tapes given to The Centre for Computing History. Box labelled: "The Rob Willetts Computing Archive" Item No: 289, Quantity: 9 Descr: Elliott 905 Algol 60 and S.I.R. (simple!) programs on paper tape. ALGOL7 ALGOL Tabulates exp x -ln (4x+1) + sin cos 2x. BINARY ALGOL Converts decimal numbers to floating point binary form. (Called ALGOL3 in ORIGINALS/WILLETTS). EX4 SIR Reads in a simple form of dictionary and then looks up entries. N.B. uses 905 instruction set. Data is in EX4DATA. PRACT4 ALGOL Program to read in a database of country statistics and then answer queries. SIR1 SIR Simple student exercise to read in numbers and print out multiples. Data is in SIR1DATA. SIR2 SIR Program reads in a number of inches and outputs conversion to yards, feet and inches. Data is in SIR2DATA.