Programs from Paul Wood, donated to the Centre for Computing History. Paul was at Dover Grammer School at around the same time I was at Gillingham Grammar School and like me used the Elliott 903 at the Medway and Maidstone College of Technology via a postal and later dial-up service. The programs are typical examples of schoolboy programming. The program names represent the naming scheme used by the College to relate programs back to the school submitting them. DV51DD Calculates a table for "2 Metre Xtal". DV51R1 Plotting. DV51T1 Tabulates natural logarithms. DV51U1 Calculates weight of a cubic mile of water. DV51W1 Calculates number of shopping days until Christmas. DV51X1 Converts decimal numbers to Roman numbers. DV51Y1 Convert dollars to L.S.D. (Contains errors). D05102 Calculates inductances in a coil. D05104 Calculating optimum tape spools. DO5106 Computes solution of x^3-3x+5=0 by iteration.