Notes on Don Hunter tapes in TJF Box A1 ======================================= BLUE, WHITE Probably same, source of Hunter patches dated 18/06/76. Superseded by Patches in AJH collection dates 30/12/76. Note WHITE includes test program missing from 30/12/76 sources. GREEN, PINK Possibly binary versions of BLUE and/or WHITE. T1_T2 Tape 1 and Tape 2 binary patches dated 8/12/76. TA RECURSIV RLB possibly of a recursive ALGOL procedure? SWITCH Binary patch for Tape 1, 17/11/77 to remove need to declare labels in switch list. TAPE_1, TAPE_2 Binary patches for Tape 1 and Tape 2 dated 30/12/76. TRIGGER 903 Algol Issue 6, 16K trigger tape (Was wound up with Patch for TAPE 1, 30 DEC 1976.) Purpose unknown. TEST_IT Compiled ALGOL procedure. Purpose unknown. WITHOUT 18 APR 1975 Elliott 903 Algol Tape 2 Issue 6 600 extra locations available 3360 3940 instead of 3960 4540 WITHOUT: EXP,LN,CHECKB,CHECKI,CHECKR,CHECKS, PARAMETER CHECKING, ARRAYS CALLED BY VALUE, and the ^ symbol: all give run-time error 30. Don Hunter's compact ALGOL interpreter.