PUGH-JONES Archive ================== This folder contains images of paper tapes belonging to Mr Christopher Pugh-Jones of St Albans, Herts. As a student he used an ICL1900, Elliott 803 and 903 computers and has kept as souvenirs paper tapes of his programs form that time. The tapes in this folder are the 903 and 1900 tapes, mostly Algol 60 and City and Guilds Mnemonic Code. Some of the latter have been used as demonstrations for the Mnemonic Code compiler in the Elliott simulator elsewhere in this archive. It is thought that some of the Mnemonic Code tapes were for use on the ICL1900 which had a less strict view on seperating instructions and data than the Elliott version and therefore produce errors on the latter, but may well have worked correctly on the 1900. The original paper tapes remain in the custody of Mr Pugh-Jones. Andrew Herbert 25/01/2015